Join Civil Service Club (CSC) Membership today to enjoy the best rates for all CSC chalet bookings and an earlier booking period of 120 days. Club Members will enjoy savings of up to 20% on Public Service Rate and 40% on Public Rate.
With effect for stays after 1 April 2019, the rates for staff of Civil Service, Statutory Board, University, Public Health Organisations, Main Stream Universities and Mindef will be amalgamated as One Public Service category (Public Service Officers) and revised as one rate. The booking period will also be revised from 1 April 2019. Please click here for more information. For any enquiries, please email to or
Please note that all chalet bookings are subjected to prevailng Safe Distancing Measures.
Currently a maximum of 8 persons (including children) are allowed in each chalet unit, regardless of chalet type. The 8 persons must be registered, and they are not interchangeable so as to reduce any risk arising from mingling.
Limited Rooftop BBQ Pits are available on our rooms booking page. Villa BBQ pits (gas-operated) are available for booking via email at All BBQ activities must be kept within the allocated space.
CSC Members can login with their MEMBER ID and password to book.
To reset the password, you may click the reset password at the login page or please contact. / 65146396
Civil Servant/Public Officer can login with their USER ID and password to book.
To reset the password, you may click the reset password at the login page or please contact. / 65146396